Stanton Macdonald-Wright Mural

Stanton Macdonald-Wright Mural

Stanton Macdonald-Wright Mural 2007 Client: Santa Monica Public Library The historically significant Macdonald-Wright mural located at the Santa Monica Public Library was conserved and re-installed into their new main library. Our web site explores historical...
Dinah Berland

Dinah Berland

Dinah Berland 2007 Client: Dinah Berland Author Dinah Berland’s beautiful site includes excerpts from her book of Jewish prayers for women. The site is illustrated with the colorful spiritual work of Judith...
Antelope Valley Map and Timeline

Antelope Valley Map and Timeline

Time Trails Map and Timeline 2006 Client: Antelope Valley Indian Museum Time Trails: Peoples of the Antelope Valley and Southern California is an interactive Flash timeline of seven maps displaying natural and human migration patterns and commercial growth of the...
The Frostig Collection

The Frostig Collection

The Frostig Collection 2006 – 2011 Client: The Frostig Center The Frostig Collection is an annual suite of artworks for sale. The site’s stylesheets are customized yearly to match the year’s selected extraordinary artworks. Collect the whole set at...
Scheherazade Interactive

Scheherazade Interactive

Scheherazade Interactive 2006 Client: KUSC Classic Radio and Creative Kids Education Foundation Scheherazade Interactive is a music education experience based on the beautiful music of  Rimsky-Korsakov  and includes a metaphorical narrative of the 1001 Nights story, a...
LACMA Collections Online

LACMA Collections Online

LACMA Collections Online 2006 Client: LA County Museum of Art We designed the look-and-feel and information architecture of LACMA’s online image and library database. Site includes a customized Flash homepage, departmental “highlights” pages, access...