Math Goodies

Math Goodies

Math Goodies 2005-2009 Client: Mrs. Glosser’s Math Goodies We created several Flash modules that taught basic math skills and concepts in fun ways for Mrs. Glosser’s Math Goodies online tutorials. We also designed and generated web banner ads and print...
CSU Fresno Biomedical Physics Program

CSU Fresno Biomedical Physics Program

Biomedical Physics Program 2004 Client: CSU Fresno The Biomedical Physics Department at California State University Fresno asked for a departmental site that explored the potential of medical professions impact upon humankind, in an imaginative narrative fashion on...
UCLA Main Gateway

UCLA Main Gateway

UCLA Main Gateway 2004 Client: UCLA Built templated pages for UCLA’s main entry site and Spotlight Archive, with heavy emphasis on Server Side Includes for ease of maintenance. Designed custom header graphics, designed and scripted embedded Flash components such...