Water Detectives Game

Water Detectives Game

Water Detectives 2010 Client: West Basin Municipal Water District The West Basin Municipal Water District wanted to teach about recommended water conservation measures. This replayable Flash game determines a culprit character randomly and delivers customied clues...
Kids Science Challenge Years 1, 2 and 3

Kids Science Challenge Years 1, 2 and 3

Kids Science Challenge Years 1, 2 and 3 2010 Client: Jim Metzner Productions Kids’ Science Challenge is an annual contest for 3rd to 6th graders, and this site consists of a set of Flash pages for kids and HTML pages for adults. The site features special...
Hansel and Gretel Interactive

Hansel and Gretel Interactive

Hansel and Gretel Interactive 2009 Client: KUSC Classic Radio and Creative Kids Education Foundation Build Your Own Opera with our online educational module Hansel and Gretel! Players can control interactive elements in every scene and watch the play unfold. Music...
Chinese Rank Badges

Chinese Rank Badges

PAM Chinese Rank Badges 2008 Client: Pacific Asia Museum Rank and Style: Power Dressing in Imperial China is an online exhibit exploring the fabric emblems worn by China’s rulers for centuries, and includes in-depth essays, teacher resources, glossary and the...
Kokeshi World

Kokeshi World

Kokeshi World 2008 Client: Japanese American National Museum This hilarious Flash game teaches about the unique cultural Japanese doll sculpture called Kokeshi. Visitors can create and customize their own doll and background with other cultural elements and unique...