by Douglas Bland | May 4, 2006 | Uncategorized
LACMA Families in American Art 2006 Client: LA County Museum of Art An educational module introducing several of LACMA’s seminal works of art in a kid-friendly manner. Players search for obects listed in an “I Spy” manner, and then can drag-and-drop...
by Douglas Bland | May 4, 2005 | Uncategorized
JANM Kids Bento Box 2005 Client: Japanese American National Museum Eat your lunch! Our Bento (Lunch) Box metaphor works perfectly for JANM Kids, a fun introduction to Japanese-American culture and history. The site is a mix of Flash activities and games, and...
by Douglas Bland | May 4, 2005 | Uncategorized
PAM Nature of the Beast 2005 Client: Pacific Asia Museum Nature of the Beast is an online educational module depicting animals, both real and imaginary, in Japanese art throughout history. Module includes in-depth artwork essays and ability to zoom in on 40...
by Douglas Bland | Apr 20, 2005 | Uncategorized
Math Goodies 2005-2009 Client: Mrs. Glosser’s Math Goodies We created several Flash modules that taught basic math skills and concepts in fun ways for Mrs. Glosser’s Math Goodies online tutorials. We also designed and generated web banner ads and print...
by Douglas Bland | May 4, 2003 | Uncategorized
LACO Kids 2003 Client: Creative Kids Education Foundation and the Los Angeles Chamber Orchestra Several Flash interactive games were developed for the Los Angeles Chamber Orchestra’s Family Concerts. They featured music from upcoming concerts, facts about the...